
Protec is a leading manufacturer of superior coatings for the automotive industry. Our success is based on two things; a commitment to research, and to consistently provide the highest quality products and service to the automotive industry.
Protec products
Carmaster 2 Pack Hi Build Primer Filler
A two pack acrylic urethane high build primer designed for use as a general smash quick drying high build primer-filler that is easy to sand.
Carmaster 2 Pack Speed Clearcoat
A fast drying two pack acrylic urethane clearcoat which provides good
gloss. Designed to be used on small areas or where the user is working in cooler conditions.Carmaster GP 2 Pack Clearcoat
A two pack acrylic urethane clearcoat designed for use as a general smash
repair clearcoat.Carmaster GP 2 Pack Primer Filler
A two pack acrylic urethane primer-filler that can also be thinned and used as a primer surfacer or wet-on-wet primer.
Carmaster HS 2 Pack Clearcoat
A high solids two pack acrylic urethane clearcoat that is specifically
formulated for better flow off the gunDulon AAA Solid Colour
A high opacity acrylic lacquer topcoat which requires minimal compounding to provide a full depth gloss finish.
Dulon Clearcoat
An acrylic lacquer clearcoat which combines excellent application and polishing properties and a durable finish.
Dulon Clearcoat Acrylic Lacquer
An acrylic lacquer clearcoat which combines excellent application and polishing properties and a durable finish.
Dulon One Shot Primer Filler
A high build acrylic lacquer primer filler with excellent topcoat holdout and easy sanding.
Dulon Solid Colour Acrylic Lacquer
A high opacity acrylic lacquer topcoat which requires minimal compounding to provide a full depth gloss finish.
Paraglaze Basecoat Colour
A premium quality basecoat developed specifically to give solid, metallic and pearl
colours the durability to withstand the harsh Australian conditionsParaglaze Extra Flow Clearcoat
2 pack acrylic urethane clearcoat designed for high flow and high clarity.