Xypex Admix C-5000
Unique chemical treatment that has been specially formulated to enhance the durability of reinforced concrete exposed to aggressive conditions.
Features and Benefits
Xypex Admix C-5000 is a powdered additive consisting of Portland cement and various active proprietary chemicals. These active chemicals react with the moisture in fresh concrete and the by-products of cement hydration to cause a catalytic reaction which generates a nonsoluble crystalline formation throughout the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete. The reaction products of Xypex Admix C-5000 are in mineral crystal form and prevent the penetration of deleterious ions into ordinary Portland cement concrete, fly ash concrete and slag cement concrete with equal effect. Research work in Australia, Canada and Japan has demonstrated that the Xypex C-Series Admix enhances the ability of concrete to resist sulphate attack, limits chloride ion penetration, improves the chemical resistance of reinforced concrete and accelerates autogenous healing of cracks.
NOTE: The Xypex Admix C-Series has been specially formulated to meet varying project and temperature conditions (see Setting Time and Strength). Consult with a Xypex Technical Representative to determine the most appropriate Xypex Admix and to obtain technical support literature for your project.
Recommended For
Reinforced concrete (whether poured-in-place, pre-cast, pre-stressed, post-tensioned or shotcrete) that is subjected to aggressive environments.
- Ease of application
- Becomes an integral part of the concrete
- Highly resistant to sulphates and chlorides
- Addresses a wide range of environmental issues
- Concrete protection from aggressive chemicals with a pH range of 3-11 in constant contact
- Can seal hairline cracks up to 0.4 mm
- Allows concrete to breathe
- Non-toxic
- Cost efficient
- Permanent
- Added to the concrete at the time of batching and is therefore not subject to climatic restraints
- Increases flexibility in construction scheduling
Product specification sheet
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