Hulk Earth Anchor – Turf Reinforcement
Hulk Earth Anchors are used to securely anchor turf reinforcement mats (TRM) to the subgrade and add to the integrity and design life of these systems.
Hulk Earth Anchors are used to securely anchor turf reinforcement mats (TRM) to the subgrade and add to the integrity and design life of these systems. Due to the improved loads anchor reinforced TRM systems are able to withstand increased hydraulic stresses including higher water flows and wave impacts as well as improved resistance against non-hydraulic stresses such as debris flow, vehicle and equipment movement. When used in structural applications Hulk Earth Anchors can be used to anchor the turf reinforcement mat to the subgrade and tie the soil mass together to provide improved stability and resistance to shallow plane failures.
Labour and time saving Hulk Earth Anchors give the ultimate mechanical strength and extreme durability. Connected with stainless steel wire rope or a clevis and rod system for superior corrosion resistance, the Hulk soil stabilisation system offers an easy installation process involving a few simple steps:
- Drill a pilot hole. This is an optional step which can improve the ease of installation of the Hulk Turf Reinforcement Anchor, especially in harder ground conditions.
- Drive the anchor to its required depth using a re-usable Hulk Smasher driving rod and a hammer. For high volume anchoring Smasher Rods are available in powered versions for use with commercially available hammers.
- Once the Hulk Earth Anchor has reached its installation depth, the re-usable Smasher Rod can be removed for use on the next anchor.
- An upward pull on the Hulk Earth Anchor tendon rotates the anchor into an anchor locked position. Keep the load plate and wire vice in position to maintain tension on the tendon. If engineered loads are required proof testing equipment is available.
- Trim the excess rope with a cutter.
Product specification sheet
Hulk Earth Anchor – Turf Reinforcement product specification sheet opens in a new windowManufacturer
Hulk Earth Anchors