Ultra Flex
Class 111 AS 4858 (CSIRO test 4522) urethane/acrylic high build, wet area and trafficable (light foot traffic) UV stable external waterproofing membrane system.
Ultra Flex is a Class 111 AS 4858 (CSIRO test 4522) urethane/acrylic high build, wet area and trafficable UV stable external waterproofing membrane system. The product is also available in reinforced (fibre) form.
External/Exposed Use
The membrane is designed to cope with both pedestrian and if reinforced with fibreglass sheeting, light vehicle traffic. The product is made from safe waterbased ingredients, is not toxic and has no odour. With the additional top coat from the Ultra Tuff/Ultra Grip range of two pack urethanes, Ultra Flex can be incorporated in a wide range of non- slip trafficable waterproofing and roofing systems.
Product Advantages
Cost effective system which both waterproofs substrates, and allows pedestrian traffic without the addition of a trafficable system over the membrane. Easy application, by roller brush or airless spray system. The product is highly UV resistant. The product is available in a wide range of colours designed to suit most application locations. Ultra Flex exhibits excellent durability to traffic, aging and weathering and when properly applied, will cope with all forms of pedestrian traffic.
Tafficaable Product Uses
Ultra Flex is suitable for applications where a pedestrian trafficable waterproofing membrane is required. These areas can include balconies, roof top areas, roofs, terraces, decks, garages, parking bays, walkways and any surface requiring a pedestrian trafficable waterproofing membrane. With fibreglass reinforcing, the product can also be applied in areas of light vehicle traffic. The product can be used as part of a trafficable waterproofing non-slip system by the addition over the Ultra Flex of a two pack urethane dressed with aggregate.
Ultra Flex is available in 15 litre pails.
Product Storage
Can be stored for up to 18 months in sealed containers out of direct sunlight.
Product specification sheet
Ultra Flex product specification sheet opens in a new windowManufacturer
Australian Membrane Industries Sydney